The 8 projects under Priority D restore and protect wildlife habitat and provide opportunities for increased access to trails and open space. Funding for this priority pays for control of non-native, invasive plants, revegetation of native species, and maintenance of previously revegetated areas. Other projects include removal of fish barriers, improvement of steelhead habitat and stabilization of eroded creek banks.
To support these and future restoration projects the District will create a comprehensive, updated database on stream conditions countywide. The District and other agencies can then use the new information to make informed decisions on where and how to use restoration dollars so they have the greatest value for wildlife.
Project D1: Management of Revegetation Projects
Project D2: Revitalize Stream, Upland and Wetland Habitat
Project D3: Grants and Partnerships to Restore Wildlife Habitat and Provide Access to Trails
Project D4: Fish Habitat and Passage Improvement
Project D5: Ecological Data Collection and Analysis
Project D6: Creek Restoration and Stabilization
Project D7: Partnerships for the Conservation of Habitat Lands
Project D8: South Bay Salt Ponds Restoration Partnership