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2024-25 North County Groundwater Production Charge-Setting Process

important dates

Our District Act provides that groundwater charges may be levied to further the protection and augmentation of the water supplies as well as produce groundwater for beneficial use; may be collected from all those within a zone who own or operate water producing wells whether currently active or not; and that groundwater production charge revenue may be used to pay for and incur debt for the following:

Water supplies

  • Operate and maintain local reservoirs to capture water and fill recharge ponds to replenish the groundwater basin
  • Purchase imported water and develop local water supplies to replenish the groundwater basin

Water quality

  • Monitor and protect groundwater from pollutants and saltwater intrusion
  • Ensure proper construction and destruction of wells to help prevent contaminants from infiltrating the groundwater basin


  • Plan, construct and retrofit infrastructure such as dams, pipelines, recharge ponds and pump stations to help sustain the groundwater table
  • Operate and maintain pipelines, recharge ponds and pumping plants to help sustain the groundwater table


How will rates change?

The water district is proposing up to a 12.9 percent rate increase for groundwater, an average household increase of $8.78 per month.

Agricultural water rates shown in the 2024-25 PAWS report reflect the direction provided by Valley Water's Board of Directors to maintain the Agricultural water rate at or under 10 percent of the lowest South County Zone (Zone W-8) Municipal and Industrial rate. 

Type Current charges 2023/2024 Proposed maximum charges 2024/2025*




Agricultural water



*Effective July 1, 2024

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North County Groundwater Mailer 2024 2.38 MB