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Design Level Geotechnical Investigations for the Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project

In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (California Public Resources Code Sections 21000 et seq.) and CEQA Guidelines (Title 14, California Code of Regulations, Sections 15000 et seq.), the Santa Clara Valley Water District (Valley Water) prepared an Initial Study (IS) to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of the Design Level Geotechnical Investigations (Project) that would inform the proposed Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project. Based on the IS, Valley Water has identified mitigation measures that would ensure the Project would not have a significant effect on the environment and it has prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND). This Notice of Intent to adopt an MND for this Project has been prepared on behalf of Valley Water, in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15072.


Project Title: Design Level Geotechnical Investigations for the Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project

Project Description: To assist with the design and planning of the proposed Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project, up to 150 subsurface exploratory borings (to include 120 initial borings and 30 supplemental borings for a total of 0.19 acre temporary disturbed area) are proposed to obtain essential information on subsurface geologic and geotechnical conditions. In addition, a total of 32 test pits (i.e., 0.37 acre total temporary disturbed area) are proposed as part of the Project to explore a potential borrow area for dam core zone material for the design and construction of the proposed Pacheco Reservoir Expansion Project. The Project also proposes two types of non-disturbance linear surface geotechnical investigations within the Project study area to include seismic refraction and electrical resistivity. One electrical resistivity survey would be performed across the valley bottom within the upstream portion of the proposed dam. In addition, 19 seismic-refraction lines totaling approximately 16,890 linear feet are proposed at multiple locations.

Project Location: The proposed project is located within, adjacent to, and in the vicinity of the existing Pacheco Reservoir, and along State Route 152 (SR-152) from Kaiser-Aetna Road to the site entrance located approximately one mile east of Kaiser-Aetna Road on the north side of SR-152. Pacheco Reservoir is located along North Fork Pacheco Creek and upstream of the North Fork Dam (near 37.05022,-121.291754), roughly equidistant between the cities of Gilroy and Los Banos. The existing reservoir is located approximately one-half mile north of SR-152 in eastern Santa Clara County, California.

Public Review: The Draft IS/MND will be available for public review from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. weekdays at the Valley Water Headquarters Building (5700 Almaden Expressway, San José, CA 95118) starting June 17, 2024. Copies of the Draft IS/MNDwill also be available at the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library reference desk located at 150 E San Fernando Street, San José, CA 95112; and at the Gilroy Library reference desk located at 350 W Sixth Street, Gilroy, CA 95020. The Draft IS/MND can also be accessed online at The public comment period on the Draft IS/MND closes at 5 p.m. on July 19, 2024.

Contact: Comments on the Draft IS/MND should be submitted to Todd Sexauer via mail or electronically via email by 5 p.m. on July 19, 2024.

Santa Clara Valley Water District
Attention: Todd Sexauer, Senior Environmental Planner
5750 Almaden Expressway
San José, CA 95118

For further information, please contact Todd Sexauer at 408-630-3149, or by email at [email protected].