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Association of Retired District Employees (ARDE)


Welcome to the Association of Retired District Employees' (ARDE) Web page. ARDE was established under approval of the Water District Board of Directors as a way for retirees to enhance and develop social activities. In addition, ARDE has a member on the Water District's Benefits and Deferred Compensation committees to advocate and monitor retiree benefits.

ARDE is proud to have as members retirees from all bargaining units, as well as, retired board directors, general managers/CEOs, general/district counsels and executive managers.

As an ARDE member you receive ARDE's newsletter, ARDEFACTS, a member contact list, notice of social functions, and updates of actions by the ARDE Board of Directors through our Web page.

We encourage you to look through the information on our Web page. You'll find a list of our officers and committee chairs below in the box titled "2020 Officers" should you have any questions.

We hope you'll join your fellow retirees in keeping in touch through membership in ARDE.

Best Wishes for an enjoyable retirement,

ARDE Board of Directors

2022 ARDE officers: Meeting Agenda / Minutes 
  • Dave Chesterman - President
  • Gary Kawaoka - Treasurer
  • Dave Hook - Secretary
  • Laviena Koolstra
  • Joan Arends - Vice President
  • Peggy Oman
  • Eileen Shipp

Nomination Committee Report 2022







Ardefacts and Archive Meeting Agenda/ Minutes Archive


Bylaws/Committees  Standard Operating Procedures 
Social Events / Pictures Others
  • Photo show